Sunday, April 30, 2006

One of the only problems with being a gay man interested in contact sports is that eventually you are bound to develop a crush on a player. Last night I went to the rugby league - I'm a Broncos supporter and this week saw them playing the Raiders at home.

Within the first four minutes of the game my crush - Shane Webcke took a mighty tackle and I had to stop myself from running down the steps, onto the field to make sure he wasn't injured.

Shane Webcke and his Wife

Monday, April 10, 2006

Mel, a Collie.


Which just goes to show that it's not always a black dog. Facing some reasonable changes at the moment, feeling challenged, feeling a little hemmed in. Time to keep reminding myself "This too shall pass."

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Falling off the wagon

Lately it hasn't been so much that I've fallen off the wagon but more like I've fallen off a bridge directly into an open topped sugar wagon. The amount of sugar I've consumed in the past two days has been awful, just when I thought I'd beaten the cravings. Starting to see a very definite link between excessive sugar consumption and poor performance at the gym though.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Better the Devil you know

I promise I won't start using Kylie tracks for all my entries. I am soon to start gainful employment, back in Brisbane with people I've worked with before - the same people I might add that didn't want to interview me for the position I have experience in - but any income is better than no income. Stay tuned for further news.