Thursday, April 06, 2006

Falling off the wagon

Lately it hasn't been so much that I've fallen off the wagon but more like I've fallen off a bridge directly into an open topped sugar wagon. The amount of sugar I've consumed in the past two days has been awful, just when I thought I'd beaten the cravings. Starting to see a very definite link between excessive sugar consumption and poor performance at the gym though.


Cath said...

Just say "No"...

Occidentally said...

The worst thing about the sugar high is the sugar crash. Not quite like cocaine, of course (or so I've heard), but unpleasant nonetheless. Usually when I start to feel fatigued and think of having a chocolate bar I think about the downside, close my office door and take a nap instead. Unless, of course, the siren call of a frosted donut is too strong to resist...