Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Fear not!

Whenever I meet a really nice guy and then find out he's attached (no doubt to an equally nice fellow) the phrase "all the nice ones are taken" springs to mind. It takes me a moment to realise that that's not actually true, I've cornered the market on "nice" to the point where you can take me home to meet mother and I'll be a hit! Rob, we'll note, is single.

Fear not people, nice guy who works at the same hospital.. has a partner... but I did have a nice long chat to him today, so, I think that's a win.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

The one with the nest

Of late my life has been quite full - which has been quite pleasing. I've been starting the long process of looking for a flat to buy (though I think I'm just always nipping at the heels of the market.) travelling to Brisbane to celebrate a birthday and I've found a gym buddy as well it seems. There have even been some new people I've met and I've been very lucky with the calibre of the new people I've been meeting.

As usual in my life there are two people I have a high level of interest in.. one of them is my standard crush, air force guy. The other is one of the diagnostic radiographers in the hospital I work in. My big question is... (assuming he's single and interested) do you date someone you're going to stumble across reasonably frequently in your day to day work? If it all goes sour, there's no escape. Of course, it may go swimmingly well...

the random rambling stops here.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

There are....

I've always enjoyed the geeky humour of "There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those who don't."

It should also be noted that there are 2 types of people in the world, those who can assemble furniture, and those who can't. Fortunately I find myself in the former group, I can see it all as a system of joins and functions. Systems are very much my thing, I love to navigate within them, test the rules they seem to follow, find the loopholes and exploit whenever possible.

No real point to this post, I'm tired, it's taken me 5 hours to get home from Brisbane and I'm turning into a full on Crankerella. Bed and sleep is required to get me back to my perky, rident self.